The Golden Gate Bridge is a cross-sea passage connecting San Francisco and Marin County in the north of the United States and is located on the Golden Gate Strait. It is the main symbol of the city of San Francisco in the United States.

The construction of the Golden Gate Bridge started on January 5, 1933, and was completed on May 27, 1937, opening to the public. The Golden Gate Bridge opened to traffic on May 28, 1937.

The Golden Gate Bridge starts from California in the north, crosses the Golden Gate Strait, and ends in the San Francisco Peninsula in the south. The total length of the line is 2780 meters, and the total length of the main bridge is 1967.3 meters.

The bridge deck is a two-way six-lane urban trunk line with a design speed of 60 km/h. The total cost of the project is about 35.5 million US dollars, and the design engineer is Joseph Strauss.

The Golden Gate Bridge is a marvel of modern engineering, and its design was considered ahead of its time. The Golden Gate Bridge viaduct adopts an arch bridge design scheme, while the main bridge adopts a twin-tower suspension bridge design scheme, and the bridge body is painted orange. The main girder is an orthotropic steel deck.

The bridge tower has four beams, and the whole is a grid-type multi-chamber steel tower with a section composed of closed lattices.

There are prominent rib-shaped lines on the surface, and the width is divided into three steps to shrink and reduce, and the height of each stage and the height of the beam change from bottom to top.

A major engineering feat at the time, workers faced challenges such as high winds, fog and hazardous conditions as they built the bridge. Despite these challenges, the bridge was completed ahead of schedule and within budget.

The walking path on both sides of the bridge is 1.2 kilometers long, and it takes an hour to go back and forth. This miracle in the history of modern bridge engineering comes from the famous design by Strauss.

All tourists in the American tour group who have visited the Golden Gate Bridge will see his bronze statue by the bridge. This is mainly to commemorate his great contribution to the United States, and also to allow him to see how many people appreciate and recognize his designs every day.

The Golden Gate Bridge is a California landmark and one of the most recognizable landmarks in San Francisco. It is a popular tourist destination with millions of tourists every year. It is one of the most photogenic bridges in the world and has been featured in many movies and TV shows.

In addition to its cultural and historical significance, the Golden Gate Bridge plays a vital role in the movement of people and goods in the San Francisco Bay Area. On average, about 112,000 cars cross the bridge every day, and it is also a popular route for cyclists and pedestrians.

It serves as an important link between San Francisco and northern communities and is used by approximately 40 million vehicles each year.

In addition to its transportation and tourism functions, the Golden Gate Bridge is also an important emergency passageway in the event of natural disasters and other emergencies.

The Golden Gate Bridge is not only an important transportation hub but also a beautiful and visually striking structure. Its bright orange color and Art Deco design make it a truly unique and memorable landmark.

It's a testament to human ingenuity and the ability to overcome challenges and create something truly remarkable.