With the popularity of photography equipment, there are many photography enthusiasts,

On social networks, often see a variety of good-looking photos, these photos can not be separated from good equipment.

For example, some aerial photos need to use aircraft.

At present, many people think that aerial photography of manned aircraft is very simple, as long as the camera is hung on the aircraft, aerial photography of manned aircraft is also known as aerial photography or aerial photography, which refers to taking the earth's landform from the air and obtaining a top view, that is, aerial photography.

The aerial camera can be controlled by the photographer and can be shot automatically or remotely. The hardware does not need luxury and is advanced can meet the functional requirements, easy to program and use, all functional interfaces are the first choice.

But, if you do not have skilled control skills, your photos will have some problems, such as blur, lack of focus, and even improper control will lead to the destruction of the plane. So if you want to take aerial photos, you must know some related preparatory work.

First of all, be sure to charge the equipment before taking aerial photos, because most devices are rechargeable, including aeroplanes, cameras, monitors and so on.

And the charging speed of the power lithium battery is getting slower and slower, so it is almost impossible to charge outside, so remember to be fully charged before taking an aerial photo.

Second, pay attention to the weather forecast before shooting. The weather has a great influence on the shooting. Photographers who often take pictures know that light and weather are important, not necessarily sunny days.

Exposure to the weather is even worse. Too strong a light will affect the beauty of the picture. Slightly cloudy weather will be better, blue sky and white clouds will be more beautiful, and the composition will be more comfortable.

Finally, when taking aerial photos, we must avoid the interference of trees, high-voltage lines and communication base stations, and pay attention to the flight attitude of the aircraft when monitoring the image.

For people with less flying experience, this is a big challenge. Need to monitor the speed, direction, altitude and other information of the aircraft. To ensure safe flight and normal shooting of the aircraft, we must pay attention to the completion of the preparatory work.

In addition to urban scenery, aerial photography of nature, particularly mountain roads, is the most commonly used and tests the photographer's skills, requiring some photographic knowledge such as composition. When shooting mountain scenery, trisection composition and guideline composition are the most commonly used composition methods.

Trichotomy composition is to put the horizon in the position of 1/3 of the picture, using this photographic composition, you can make the picture look more balanced.

Guideline composition is the use of the lines in the picture to guide the eyes of the audience, and the rivers and trees in the mountain view can be used as guides. This photographic composition can make the picture more dynamic and profound.